Þann 7. til 9. júlí 2023, mun tíbetski munkurinn Choden halda Dharma kennslu í húsnæði hugleiðslu- og friðarmiðstöðvarinnar.
Skráning á nánari upplýsingar á hugleidsla@hugleidsla.is
Það eru enn örfá sæti laus.
Hér að neðan er hægt að sjá myndband með Choden frá 2019 um Innæi ásamt ítarlegri upplýsingum um kennsluskrá.
Awakening the Buddha Within
The Practice of Wisdom and Compassion
The Buddha Within is our true nature that remains undamaged, whole and
free despite all the ups and downs of our lives. One classic Buddhist text
refers to it as a piece of gold that lies buried beneath the manure of our
emotional afflictions and struggles.
The path to recovering the gold is through the practice of wisdom and
compassion. We practice wisdom by cultivating the power of awareness
that frees us from our limiting habits to reveal the full splendour of who
we really are. We practice compassion by responding with kindness and
understanding to the confusion and pain we experience within ourselves
and by extending this compassion to others.
On this weekend retreat Choden will offer some key teachings and
practices for cultivating wisdom and compassion as a way of opening the
door to the Buddha Within. The practices will be a combination of sitting
meditation and visualisation.